Eri Wildeの那由多ブログ

エリワイルド(Eri Wilde)のブログです。 本名は福田英里子です。東京外国語大学外国語学部英米語学科卒。英語講師、日本語講師、通訳、香川せとうち地域通訳案内士、翻訳、SE、占い師、心理カウンセラー、YouTuberをしています。二人の兄弟の母親です。音楽(ピアノやウクレレの弾き語り)、アートなど多趣味です。次男は発達障害です。 お仕事のご用命は下記のメールアドレスまで宜しくお願い致します。






Believe I'm Always With You


When you stumble over a stubble

And you are overwhelmed by the world

I'm beholding you while you're in trouble

With my unchanged affectionate eyes

Call my name admist your meditations

Then you'll see me smiling at you


Believe I'm always with you

Hoping your life will be full of love

Believe I'm always on your side

Wishing you the best luck of all



When you feel insecure on your own

Remember to talk to me on your mind

I wanna make you reverse

All your negative thoughts and fears

And be courageous to break it through

With a brand new and clear mind


Believe I'm always with you

Hoping your life will be full of love

Believe I'm always on your side

Wishing you the best luck of all



When withered flowers bring you sorrow

And you could lose your passion and confidence

I'll be your clown to take you out of

The darkness of your dependence

I'll remind you of the songs for you

Then you'll find yourself smiling at me


Believe I'm always with you

Hoping your life will be full of love

Believe I'm always on your side

Wishing you the best luck of all








「人類の願い 世界は一つ 交友の場」
